Active WVRA Instructors needed

Instructor students

With Dennis’s passing last October we have not only lost a good friend but a very active member of the WVRA’s instructor team.  Last fall’s classes we very difficult without him both due to the heavy heart that his not being there caused, as well as the lack of manpower.  The students suffered due to that.  Pretty much the entire first day of the class the students listened to me only.  There was no variety, no one to help answer asked questions when my explanations and where not working which I felt very bad about because while I knew the answer to their question, I may not have had the best way to explain the answer.  Our students deserve better than that, a better welcome into our hobby.

Anyone is welcome to become an instructor.  There are 10 sections in each license class and anyone who wishes to become an instructor is welcome to only teach that which they are interested in, or most comfortable with.  All I ask for is help.  Lets rebuild our instructor team.  If you don’t like using the power points for your section that’s fine, I am willing to accommodate just about anything.  I can bring a VCR, speakers, whatever you feel you will need to teach your section.  If you want to modify the power points that’s fine as well, I really am flexible and believe that multiple teaching styles that address various learning styles of our students will be a benefit to everyone.

Again please, I ask you to consider joining or rejoining the instructor team.  I am good with just about any changes so long as we get an active team again.

73 and thank you,

Travis W9HDG