The Wisconsin Valley Radio Association will once again provide communications support for the Wausau Marathon. The marathon is a 26.2 mile race that winds itself through the greater Wausau area. This event is a Boston Marathon qualifying event, so it attracts upwards of 500 racers.
The event is Saturday August 20th. The race starts at 7:00am so our participation will be between 6:00am and about 1:00pm or until the last racer makes it in. Net control is at the race start/finish at Marathon Park.
We need at least 11 operators to adequately staff the water stops along the route. The weather is usually hot and muggy, so providing communications support is important to the safety of the runners.’
To volunteer to help, please contact Jack, N9LIA, by clicking on the contact form and putting Wausau Marathon in the subject line. Your message will be forwarded to Jack.