Greetings from the KD9CJX Hamshack where it’s 57 degrees and that’s better than what’s outside. I want to say thank you to our nominating committee and the club membership for choosing me to be your president. It’s an honor to be part of an amateur radio group with such a long history and I look forward to continuing that tradition.
I’d like to introduce our 2016-17 board:
- VP – Michael Martens KB9VBR
- Secretary – Bob Aspinwall WB9RND
- Treasurer – Wendy Czaja KC9VIO
- Director(s) – Mike Wild KB9DED, Tony Hermanek K9QM, and Brent Schaefer K9MIX
I’m looking forward to working with the new board during the upcoming club year. As you probably know, we’ve finalized an agreement with Gray Television for our repeater system at the Fox 55 tower site, and they have completed their renovations of the site to allow us to return to the air soon. The board has also committed to working on reaching out to the community to find potential new hams and other operators who have not been with us in the past.
We are also committed to serving our community for major events, including the MS Walk, Wausau Marathon, Balloon Rally, and Halloween Patrol, among other projects. We also have plans to reach out to the youth of Marathon County and hope to inspire them to pursue technology based projects.
We’re lucky to have members like you – the experience and wisdom in our club is truly amazing! From repeater experts to technology educators, to hams who’ve been at it for half a century, we have the potential to really grow and to find new avenues to pursue in our hobby.
I’m always available to talk if you have questions or need something. You can reach me at – I check it frequently (probably more than I need to) and respond regularly.
I will depart with some remarks from a friend of mine who was addressing a group of college students. To paraphrase, you don’t need a title to do great things. We’ve already been given one – amateur radio operator <YOUR CALLSIGN HERE>. Go out and do what we best! Proceed until apprehended!
73 to you and yours, and may the bands be in your favor!