WVRA Featured on 100 Watts and a Wire Podcast

I’m pleased to announce the WVRA was featured this week on the 100 Watts and a Wire podcast. You can listen to episode 109 at http://100wattsandawire.com/100-watts-and-a-wire/

I would like to thank Christian, K0STH for selecting our club and taking the time to feature us on his show. 100 Watts and a Wire is about the ham radio life – whether it’s dealing with squirrels and feedline, or operating portable in the summer heat. Thousands of amateur operators tune in weekly to the podcast! You can find more about the show at www.100wattsandawire.com/about.
It was an honor to represent the club and I probably could have gone a lot longer telling stories and featuring more members. I want to thank you all for making the WVRA all that it is.